Monday, May 18, 2020

Race, By Ali Rattansi And Between Barack And A Hard Place

What is race? It is defined as descendants of a common ancestor; one of the distinct variations of the human species; race or lineage. (Websters New Dictionary 1998). As our society becomes more educated, the debate on whether or not this is the true definition of race, or as today’s Sociologists see it, is race merely socially constructed. Race, as it applies across scientific lines, is determinate to represent the human species as a whole, therefore there is but one race†¦. Human. The readings of â€Å"Racism, a very short introduction† by Ali Rattansi and â€Å"Between Barack and a hard place† by Tim Wise, asks the question of the determination of race. This question is still being asked from the early nineteen hundreds to the late fifty’s and up until the recent nineties. Many descendants of duel ethnicities are asking of question of â€Å" who am I†. They are confused as to where they fit into the equation of the categorization of race. We are still consumed with the notion that there is some possible generalization that can used to determine who belongs and who doesn’t, to a certain category of ethnicity. Throughout the process of natural selection, uninhibited love and the freedom of choice, we humans continue to cloud the reality for the concept of race. This social construction of race no longer holds as a scientific factor. Physical features such as skin color and eyes and hair have been proven scientifically to be components of the location of environment. These traits were

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Nature Of God And Morality Essay - 2024 Words

â€Å"The herd,being anxious that the individual should act in its interests, has invented various devices for causing the individual’s interest to be in harmony with hat of the herd. One of these†¦ is morality† (Russell, 17), said by Bertrand Russell and highlights the intentions and efforts of morality. Morality arose for the good and the survival of the race, but was it the source of social evolution or that of a all powerful and good God? This was the source of the debate between christianity and atheism, or William Craig and Walter Armstrong.The ultimate question was not if you need faith or God to have ethics and moral order, but does God need to exist in order for moral order and value to be established and practiced. Did ethics arise from a God to retain moral order, or was it a part of social and biological evolution in order to continue to advance and to establish social order. Throughout the text will explore and distinguish the existence of God and mora lity through the arguments three main points in the following: if God does not exist then objective moral values do not exist, objective moral values do exist, and Therefore God does or does not exist. The first major point of the argument is: if God does not exist, objective moral values do not exist. Which could be a valid argument, if you have faith or believe in a God that creates order, however for those without faith, like Atheist, this argument is invalid. This argument is easily believable or plausible forShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Nature of God and Morality in The Bible1407 Words   |  6 Pagessociety is laid out within passages that serve as the laws, including Deuteronomy, and the Psalms, and in the stories, such as the stories of Job, David, Samuel, and the Family of Adam. The actions and nature of God in these stories are meant to be an example of the values and personality favored by God. In these passages, a structure for a just society is presented, and the va lues and examples, which are to be referred to and followed in the creation of this just society, are discussed. However,Read MoreReligion And Morality On The Hunt Of Finding The Author Of What We Know As Social Norms952 Words   |  4 PagesGod as Author of Morality There is always controversy around when we bring any topic related to religion to the table and it is not different when we talk about morality. This paper will explore the controversial side that plays religion and morality in the hunt of finding the author of what we know as social norms. In this philosophy paper, we will discuss the origin and evolution of the Divine Command Theory and we will analyze an objections against this theory cited by Plato (Atenas, 427 - 347Read MoreThe Doctrine Of The Divine Command Theory1237 Words   |  5 PagesThe Divine Command Theory dictates that â€Å"An act is morally required just because it is commanded by God, and immoral just because God forbids it (Shafer-Landau 65).† This view is often accepted by religious people as the basis for morality; the morality of an action is determined by whether or not it is commanded by God. However, there are multiple problems presented by this line of thinking. One of the most common arguments again st this theory is known as the Euthyphro Dilemma, derived from Plato’sRead MoreMagistrates of Morality: How the Euthyphro Dilemma Cripples Divine Command Theory1654 Words   |  7 Pagesthis literature, Socrates and Euthyphro debate the nature of morality, and its relation to the Greek Gods. Socrates eventually poses the question, â€Å"is the pious being loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is being loved by the gods?† (Plato, 2013). In layman’s terms, this passage, which has come to be known as the Euthyphro Argument, can be interpreted as asking, â€Å"is an action right because the gods command it, or do the gods command it because it is right?† (Week 9, LectureRead MoreCan Science Explain And Account For Human Morality?1011 Words   |  5 PagesHuman Morality? Introduction Morality has long since been a topic of debate, with hundreds of branches to the ever-expanding argument. One area of debate is that of science’s power to explain and account for the history of Human morality. In the question: â€Å"Can Science Explain and Account for Human Morality?† we also have another question: â€Å"Is the foundation of morality natural, or supernatural?†. In this question, there is a dichotomy between the origin of morality being scientific in nature, orRead MoreThe Between Morality And The Gods959 Words   |  4 Pageswrong in and of themselves. In following with the second option, i.e. that the gods love things because they are good, this forces one to admit that things are good separate from the gods; the things the gods love are pious regardless of the gods love. This means that the gods cannot cause morality in any way. Therefore, if one accepts either of the options in the Euthyphro dilemma, one must abandon the idea that the gods ca use piety and that piety is inherent to certain acts. It is possible thatRead MoreEducation And Morality On Their Lives1118 Words   |  5 Pagestogether sometimes education and morality on their lives. Success is the way where people reach their goals toward something specific that they desire in their lives. I choose Freire and Nietsche because they talk about Education and Morality as anti-Nature and they fit on my idea of success. I consider education as an important part on my way to success in this world. Education gives me knowledge that I require to overcome the problems every day. Morality as Anti-Nature helps me not to do things thatRead MoreThe Christian View Of God1647 Words   |  7 Pagesquestions the Christian view of God. The Christian God is an all-seeing, all-powerful being of moral perfection. Because these two truths cannot coexist, the fact that evil exists disproves the existence of the Christian God. If God is omnipotent, He could prevent any injustice. Since injustice does exist, it is necessary to modify eith er our perception of God s morality of, the extent of his power, or the limitations of human understanding. It is unlikely that God allows for the existence of evilRead MoreDoes God Exist?668 Words   |  3 Pagesculture has its God. Christianity and Islam have their own god; the Romans and Greeks had their Pantheon. A lot of people believe in god have thought that there is more to life the material world around us. It seems arises naturally the world over by believing in god. Does God exist? I believe in God is exists by the philosophical argument: ontological argument, the first cause argument, the argument form design, and the moral argument. Arguments relate to the existence of God are in differentRead MorePlato’S Euthyphro. Questions About Morality Are At The1510 Words   |  7 PagesEuthyphro Questions about morality are at the very center of heated debates and discussions surrounding the topic of religion. This theme, the potential interlinking between religion and morality, is explored by Plato in his work Euthyphro. The foundational question that Plato asks is how is something determined to be good or moral: through independent reasoning or by divine prescription. I believe that the only rational position to take on the issue is to conclude that morality must be separate from

Overcoming Barriers Qualitative Interviews - Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Overcoming Barriers for Qualitative Interviews. Answer: Introduction: Language barrier in the workplace and the outside environment can make a business process difficult. As a result, several means can be explored in preparing the parties involved to cope and remain comfortable in an organization. The first strategy involves translation of all documents into the primary language understood well by the employees or customers to whom a product or service is to be sold. Besides, the use of interpreters can be instrumental in making employees and clients comfortable in cases where one does not understand the local language. Drew (2014) agrees with in providing long-term assistance offering language classes serves in overcoming language barrier among individuals. Such classes and training can be offered after work or in the process where individuals experience hands-on while performing different tasks. The use of telling and showing method during training comes in handy in enhancing knowledge where people can associate a given word with the action required in a given circumstance (Drew, 2014). In further simplifying the case, individuals can use visual methods of communication in support of the audio where one can learn and interpret from the images up for demonstration. At the same time, the use of simpler language with little or no vocabulary assist in eliminating the barrier where it becomes easy for individuals to comprehend and master terms commonly used at the workplace (Amano, Gonzlez-Varo Sutherland, 2016). At all times, it should be made a policy that persons across the borders should be assisted, respected, and treated with decorum to give them room and encouragement towards learning a given language. Unethical behaviors have several consequences on the person engaging in the act as well as the organization a person represents in a given capacity. Sadly, some individuals and organizations decide to behave unethically for self or companys benefit. According to (Kouchaki Wareham, 2015), unethical behavior leads to being held accountable as exampled by the case of wrong misuse of company property. As a result, one risks facing a negative reputation from others and the management. Besides, the act, in worse cases leads to legal risks where persons are reported to the authority and strict measures taken to compensate for acts committed. Further, unethical behavior leads to financial challenges where persons, upon being reported risk being fined or asked to pay for the damages such an action may cause to the organization. Credibility is lost as a result of unethical behaviors where a person or an organization ceases to be trusted thus becoming less credible and thereby losing business opportunities (Ferrell Fraedrich, 2015). Such acts reduce the performance and compliance rate of an individual to the workplace thus becoming less productive and inefficient. In case such a person is given resources, one would misuse leading to high costs of production which diminish productivity of a firm. In worst cases, sacking or being laid off becomes a risk facing an individual engaging in ethical malpractices (Kouchaki Wareham, 2015). Lastly, behaving unethically bears psychological risks to persons involved. Engaging in such acts over time leads to regrets in the event of action which torments one even to the point of death. As a result, it is proper to behave ethically and promote a healthy relation with individuals in the society and the workplace. References Amano, T., Gonzlez-Varo, J. P., Sutherland, W. J. (2016). Languages are still a major barrier to global science. PLoS biology, 14(12), e2000933. Drew, H. (2014). Overcoming Barriers: Qualitative Interviews With German Elites. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 12(2). Ferrell, O. C., Fraedrich, J. (2015). Business ethics: Ethical decision making cases. Nelson Education. Kouchaki, M., Wareham, J. (2015). Excluded and behaving unethically: Social exclusion, physiological responses, and unethical behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(2), 547.